Orange Sunset

It seemed to be a good afternoon for a sunset shot at Grado Pineta, tide was expected very low and the sun was brilliant in the sky when I left home. I still had to try the K-1 with the big stopper and I planned to shot the low tide water with very long times to obtain a very strong silk effect. So I packed the backpack with all the filters: littler stopper, GNDs and polarizer in addition to the big stopper. I arrived at the beach more than one hour before the sunset to explore the shoreline. I expected to find a few boats in the middle between the beach and the sea but I found only some boats run ashore in the mud and a few small red buoys tied together. The tide was extremely low and I had the first signs that something was different than usual when crossing the 3 km bridge connecting Grado to mainland, I could see a large number of herons, white and gray, eating in the lagoon.

When I met my friend Andrea, it was almost the sunset time and I wasn’t able to find a good location for a wide-angle shot. Too much mud was revealed by the low tide in the foreground and the background wasn’t interesting at all. Fortunately I brought a telephoto zoom with me and going to an elevated point I was able to frame the last blade of sun and a white heron with a whole reflection on the water. I made dozens of shots but only a few of them have the whole reflection because the heron was continuously moving in its search for food.





One response to “Orange Sunset”

  1. Alberto Missana Avatar
    Alberto Missana

    Immagine meravigliosa Paolo, complimenti!

    ci si vede al CFP!!

    ciao, Alberto

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